10/11/17 - Monumental Locations have been added on Planets pages: JUPITER, SATURN,

               URANUS, and NEPTUNE.

                New interactive maps of plantery orbits has been added to all Planets pages.

                An interactive AstroShire County Map has been added to the page:

                THE GREYLOCK SYSTEM.

12/16/16 - A new article under Poject Articles has been created: THE MICROSHIRE SCALE

12/12/16 - Updates have been made on Planets pages: JUPITER, SATURN, URANUS,

                  & NEPTUNE

11/14/16 - Updates have been made on Planets page: MARS

                - Updates have been made on Planets page: EARTH

11/12/16 - Updates have been made on Project Article page: THE MATHEMATICS

11/11/16 - Updates have been made on Project Article page: THE ASTROGALLERY

11/10/16 - A new page under Project Articles has been created: THE ASTROGALLERY

               - A new page under ASCP News has been created: CONTACT US

               - A website feedback e-mail has been created and added to the

                  FAQ's about the ASCP page.

               - A new page under ASCP News has been created: FAQ's about the ASCP

               -  A new link archive has been created: ASCP News

11/9/16 - A new page under Project Articles has been created: The Ultimate Scale

11/8/16 - A new gadget has been added: Motto

No updates available beyond 11/8/16

IMAGES: Transparent planet photos under Planets link archive are to be updated and finalized for each page. They will be created by digital artist Melanie G.

PAGE: The page "Image" under Works Cited link archive is to be completed.